I can’t thank enough to Shelbie Dimond for let me share you her recent work among some words about it. I love her pure and strong vision of the world and you should definitely check her portfolio!
MIRE: Are you the main character of your fictions or just an element of the final composition?
Shelbie Dimond: I am definitely only an element of the final composition. These are all stories, and I am merely the story-teller.
M: How’s the creative process in your photo-diaries? Do you combine this images with other media like, let’s say writing?
SD: Sometimes. But I really like the idea of telling stories through images. There's room for a bit more imagination.

M: How important is the accident in your process?
SB: I wouldn't say it's important, rather that I've come to embrace it. All of the polaroid film out there is going to be expired, so instead of getting upset that my pictures aren't coming out crystal and perfect, I shoot for a dreamy/mystical/surreal setting. I've come to love and accept the fact, and I'm having a lot of fun experimenting with polaroid pack film and seeing what I cant get out of it. After being so pleased with the results, I go out of my way to find it.
M: Freedom, outdoors, tenderness, innocence, friendship are constant presences in your work, but I think the water is always there. Can you talk a little about your relation with that element?
SB: I'm so glad you noticed! I've always been fascinated with water. Growing up, I lived on a beautiful lake in Michigan. It was my dream to make a "tunnel house" so my family and I could all live together beneath the water (which, you've got to admit, an under water tunnel house would be rad). I spent so much time in the water, swimming, skiing, wakeboarding, wakesurfing, fishing, snorkeling- you name it. I loved taking baths, my hair would turn green from the chlorine because I would spend hours in pools. I've always loved everything there is about the ocean, the vastness, the tides, the waves, the creatures you could find, and my favorite, when a little bit of salt gets on your lips. To this day the fascination is still with me. My boyfriend and I take drives to the ocean every week, just to watch the waves. There's something about the way the water looks and feels when you just barely touch the surface that has captivated me ever since I can remember.

Shelbie Dimond
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