Emrah Karakurum

Even we’re the same age, one of my greatest masters -not only in Art, but in life- is the photographer Emrah Karakurum. Same hitting Istanbul streets, trying to cross Hungarian border without visa, cooking the best yogurt soup ever or just talking about American movies, all his stories will start in completely calm for progressively acquire a huge epic tone.

Agata Janicka

Agata Janicka (1984) is the curious artist type. Her big blue eyes are always open and however she receives as many influences as she can, she will filter all this information with a surprising ability of synthesis. Her images have some innocent and bizarre touch at the same time.

Maartje Jaquet

A whole world is watching us but is only evident when we can erase the border between rationality and meaningless. Then the concepts as we know them, turn into the most absurd -but logical- findings. Just the simplest walk to the corner shop could transform our perception of the world; is just matter of change the sidewalk.

Voinovitch Stefan

I enjoy Stefan Galka-Sudau's -a.k.a. Voinovitch- photographs in almost every sens: they have the serenity of the artist that make his work outside money demands, isolated and for himself. His diaries are full of people and objects that are transformed into pure love testimonies.

Natalia Oko

I’ve the impression that Natalia Oko’s paintings are pieces of memory that don’t exist yet. All the figures that she paints are full with melancholy and belong to an ethereal, ghostly world.

so I did

Last night I had a revelation...